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Ayurveda, the ancient medical science of India, is accepted as the oldest scientific medical system, with a long record of clinical experience. It is not merely a doctrine of medical treatment, but a way of healthy long life. Ayurveda teaches us how to maintain and protect health, how to cure diseases and how to promote longevity. Ayurvedic theory states that all areas of life impact one's health, so it follows that the Vedas cover a wide variety of topics, including health and healthcare techniques, astrology, spirituality, government and politics, art, and human behavior. Ayurvedic medical books, available by the eighth century BCE, provide not only procedural instructions but also a history of how Ayurvedic medicine evolved over time. Current knowledge about Ayurveda is primarily based on "the great triad" of texts called Brhattrayi, which consists of the Charak Samhita, Sushurta Samhita, and Ashtanga Hridaya. These books describe the basic principles and theories from which modern Ayurveda has evolved.

Why Mispa Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a complete medical system, which recognizes that ultimately all intelligence and wisdom, flows from one Absolute source (Paramatman). Health manifests by the grace of the Absolute acting through the laws of Nature (Prakriti). Ayurveda assists Nature by promoting harmony between the individual and Nature by living a life of balance according to her laws. Ayurveda describes three fundamental universal energies, which regulate all natural processes on both the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. That is, the same energies, which produce effects in the various galaxies and star systems, are operating at the level of the human physiology--in your own physiology. These three universal energies are known as the Tridosha.
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